Call for Posters/Demonstrations




CySeP is interested in showcasing achievements through invited and submitted posters and demonstrations. The focus is both on the design, development, and experiences with security and privacy technologies in every-day life and business as well as latest research results.

Alongside a captivating program, we expect this is to offer attendees a broader exposure to the latest and hottest solutions. At the same time, we want to provide a stage to young researchers so that they get feedback from a top-notch expert audience from industry and academia.

We are particularly interested in European and National Projects and their on-going or recent achievements. We are equally enticed to see achievements and proposals by European, Nordic, and Swedish companies and research institutes; always aligned with the event theme.


Each accepted poster or demo title will be placed online - and if the authors desire, a 1-paragraph abstract. There will be no proceedings or teaser talks. Poster/Demo sessions will be held on June 11 and 13.


We welcome poster/demo proposals submitted as up to 1-page extended abstract excluding the bibliography and appendices, double-column, min. font size 10, in IEEE or ACM conference templates (e.g., an OverLeaf template here). This, in PDF format, should describe the technical contributions within the scope of the event theme and provide information about the presenters and their organizations.

Please submit your Poster/Demo at EasyChair. Please specify the type of submission by having Poster: or Demo: as prefix to your title. Any submissions that do not comply with the instructions will not be considered.

Final posters should be printed in A1 size in portrait orientation and do not need to include prefix (Poster: or Demo:) in the title. You are welcome to contact us in advance for any special needs for your demonstration setup.


Christoph Baumann, Ericsson Research
Qian Guo, Lund University
Leonardo Iwaya, Karlstad University
Hongyu Jin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Farzaneh Karegar, Karlstad University
Hamed Nemati, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Elena Pagnin, Chalmers University

List of the Accepted Posters and Demos